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1 - Online Registration

To complete your ANNUAL REGISTRATION , you must:

1) Have a photo of your face with a light background, JPG or PNG format, 4x3 vertical size.

2) Have a sports medical examination carried out and scanned in PDF format.

There is no need to wait for the medical exam to register.

The registration fee is 20 Eur.

Registrations proven to be a family, with a minimum of 3 members (parents, children and siblings), have a 10% discount on monthly fees. This discount cannot be combined with other discounts.

You can proceed with the registration right away, but don't forget to obtain the medical examination that you will have to present within 30 days of registering online    (remember that in this situation you do not have effective insurance) .

Exame Médico
Medical Record Analysis_edited.jpg
Medical Record Analysis_edited.jpg


Before joining the club and registering with the skating federation, it is determined that the athlete must undergo a sports medical examination.

The sports medical examination prior to registration may be carried out in any competent clinic.

If the athlete already has a sports medical exam performed for another sport, then he/she does not need to perform any more.

If you don't have it, you can schedule the button below to join the next group of athletes to undergo medical exams.


Once you are registered, you can pay the monthly fees online as you wish, click the button below.

Each monthly fee costs !0.00Eur. per person per month.

If you pay for the annual set by February, you will have a discount.

Men with calculator
Transf Bancarias
Teclado ATM

4 - Transfer

This step is for paying by bank transfer only. If you have already done or are going to do  online registration is not required  do nothing, skip to step 5.

If not, pay (the amount corresponding to the registration made) by bank transfer to the following IBAN:

PT50 0018 000342402594020 86



Don't forget to get proof. It will be missed in the next step.

(*1) - Renewals made after 31 January of each year have a 5 Eur surcharge.


Go straight to the closed group "Iceshow Freestyle School" on Facebook by clicking here .

When you open the link, ask for membership to this group using a button like the one shown below that appears on that Facebook page.

This group is exclusive to members and serves to quickly update information between members.

  • Facebook


Register with your data as a new "page member" at:

LOGIN to enter and be recognized as a new member. You will soon receive a message to install our Iceshow mobile app.

When you receive the Iceshow App, install it and you will be added to the internal group of members to be aware of all the news and be able to interact with your favorite team.

Install our Iceshow App for mobile phones to keep up to date with all the news and interact with your favorite Team.

Access the following link to install our Iceshow App: HERE


It's done!

You will soon receive your payment receipt in your e-mail.

Now you can skate with

the iceshow team

Have fun !

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